Source code for amp.analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python

from . import Amp
from .utilities import now, hash_images, make_filename
import os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True})

[docs]def plot_sensitivity(load, images, d=0.0001, label='sensitivity', dblabel=None, plotfile=None, overwrite=False, energy_coefficient=1.0, force_coefficient=0.04): """Returns the plot of loss function in terms of perturbed parameters. Takes the load file and images. Any other keyword taken by the Amp calculator can be fed to this class also. Parameters ---------- load : str Path for loading an existing ".amp" file. Should be fed like 'load="filename.amp"'. images : list or str List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces in ASE format. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db) file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT calculations. d : float The amount of perturbation in each parameter. label : str Default prefix/location used for all files. dblabel : str Optional separate prefix/location of database files, including fingerprints, fingerprint primes, and neighborlists, to avoid calculating them. If not supplied, just uses the value from label. plotfile : Object File for the plot. overwrite : bool If a plot or an script containing values found overwrite it. energy_coefficient : float Coefficient of energy loss in the total loss function. force_coefficient : float Coefficient of force loss in the total loss function. """ from amp.model import LossFunction calc = Amp.load(file=load) if plotfile is None: plotfile = make_filename(label, '-plot.pdf') if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(plotfile): raise IOError('File exists: %s.\nIf you want to overwrite,' ' set overwrite=True or manually delete.' % plotfile) calc.dblabel = label if dblabel is None else dblabel if force_coefficient == 0.: calculate_derivatives = False else: calculate_derivatives = True calc._log('\nAmp sensitivity analysis started. ' + now() + '\n') calc._log('Descriptor: %s' % calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__) calc._log('Model: %s' % calc.model.__class__.__name__) images = hash_images(images) calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========') calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints( images=images, parallel=calc._parallel, log=calc._log, calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives) vector = calc.model.vector.copy() lossfunction = LossFunction(energy_coefficient=energy_coefficient, force_coefficient=force_coefficient, parallel=calc._parallel, ) calc.model.lossfunction = lossfunction # Set up local loss function. calc.model.lossfunction.attach_model( calc.model, fingerprints=calc.descriptor.fingerprints, fingerprintprimes=calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes, images=images) originalloss = calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss( vector, lossprime=False)['loss'] calc._log('\n Perturbing parameters...', tic='perturb') allparameters = [] alllosses = [] num_parameters = len(vector) for count in range(num_parameters): calc._log('parameter %i out of %i' % (count + 1, num_parameters)) parameters = [] losses = [] # parameter is perturbed -d and loss function calculated. vector[count] -= d parameters.append(vector[count]) perturbedloss = calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss( vector, lossprime=False)['loss'] losses.append(perturbedloss) vector[count] += d parameters.append(vector[count]) losses.append(originalloss) # parameter is perturbed +d and loss function calculated. vector[count] += d parameters.append(vector[count]) perturbedloss = calc.model.lossfunction.get_loss( vector, lossprime=False)['loss'] losses.append(perturbedloss) allparameters.append(parameters) alllosses.append(losses) # returning back to the original value. vector[count] -= d calc._log('...parameters perturbed and loss functions calculated', toc='perturb') calc._log('Plotting loss function vs perturbed parameters...', tic='plot') with PdfPages(plotfile) as pdf: count = 0 for parameter in vector: fig = pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(allparameters[count], alllosses[count], marker='o', linestyle='--', color='b',) xmin = allparameters[count][0] - \ 0.1 * (allparameters[count][-1] - allparameters[count][0]) xmax = allparameters[count][-1] + \ 0.1 * (allparameters[count][-1] - allparameters[count][0]) ymin = min(alllosses[count]) - \ 0.1 * (max(alllosses[count]) - min(alllosses[count])) ymax = max(alllosses[count]) + \ 0.1 * (max(alllosses[count]) - min(alllosses[count])) ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) ax.set_ylim([ymin, ymax]) ax.set_xlabel('parameter no %i' % count) ax.set_ylabel('loss function') pdf.savefig(fig) pyplot.close(fig) count += 1 calc._log(' ...loss functions plotted.', toc='plot')
[docs]def plot_parity(load, images, label='parity', dblabel=None, plot_forces=True, plotfile=None, color='b.', overwrite=False, returndata=False, energy_coefficient=1.0, force_coefficient=0.04): """Makes a parity plot of Amp energies and forces versus real energies and forces. Parameters ---------- load : str Path for loading an existing ".amp" file. Should be fed like 'load="filename.amp"'. images : list or str List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces in ASE format. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db) file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT calculations. label : str Default prefix/location used for all files. dblabel : str Optional separate prefix/location of database files, including fingerprints, fingerprint primes, and neighborlists, to avoid calculating them. If not supplied, just uses the value from label. plot_forces : bool Determines whether or not forces should be plotted as well. plotfile : Object File for the plot. color : str Plot color. overwrite : bool If a plot or an script containing values found overwrite it. returndata : bool Whether to return a reference to the figures and their data or not. energy_coefficient : float Coefficient of energy loss in the total loss function. force_coefficient : float Coefficient of force loss in the total loss function. """ calc = Amp.load(file=load) if plotfile is None: plotfile = make_filename(label, '-plot.pdf') if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(plotfile): raise IOError('File exists: %s.\nIf you want to overwrite,' ' set overwrite=True or manually delete.' % plotfile) calc.dblabel = label if dblabel is None else dblabel if (force_coefficient != 0.) or (plot_forces is True): calculate_derivatives = True else: calculate_derivatives = False calc._log('\nAmp parity plot started. ' + now() + '\n') calc._log('Descriptor: %s' % calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__) calc._log('Model: %s' % calc.model.__class__.__name__) images = hash_images(images, log=calc._log) calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========') calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints( images=images, parallel=calc._parallel, log=calc._log, calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives) calc._log('Calculating potential energies...', tic='pot-energy') energy_data = {} for hash, image in images.iteritems(): amp_energy = calc.model.calculate_energy( calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash]) actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) energy_data[hash] = [actual_energy, amp_energy] calc._log('...potential energies calculated.', toc='pot-energy') min_act_energy = min([energy_data[hash][0] for hash, image in images.iteritems()]) max_act_energy = max([energy_data[hash][0] for hash, image in images.iteritems()]) if plot_forces is False: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 5.)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 10.)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) calc._log('Plotting energies...', tic='energy-plot') for hash, image in images.iteritems(): ax.plot(energy_data[hash][0], energy_data[hash][1], color) # draw line ax.plot([min_act_energy, max_act_energy], [min_act_energy, max_act_energy], 'r-', lw=0.3,) ax.set_xlabel("ab initio energy, eV") ax.set_ylabel("Amp energy, eV") ax.set_title("Energies") calc._log('...energies plotted.', toc='energy-plot') if plot_forces is True: ax = fig.add_subplot(212) calc._log('Calculating forces...', tic='forces') force_data = {} for hash, image in images.iteritems(): amp_forces = \ calc.model.calculate_forces( calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash], calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash]) actual_forces = image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False) force_data[hash] = [actual_forces, amp_forces] calc._log('...forces calculated.', toc='forces') min_act_force = min([force_data[hash][0][index][k] for hash, image in images.iteritems() for index in range(len(image)) for k in range(3)]) max_act_force = max([force_data[hash][0][index][k] for hash, image in images.iteritems() for index in range(len(image)) for k in range(3)]) calc._log('Plotting forces...', tic='force-plot') for hash, image in images.iteritems(): for index in range(len(image)): for k in range(3): ax.plot(force_data[hash][0][index][k], force_data[hash][1][index][k], color) # draw line ax.plot([min_act_force, max_act_force], [min_act_force, max_act_force], 'r-', lw=0.3,) ax.set_xlabel("ab initio force, eV/Ang") ax.set_ylabel("Amp force, eV/Ang") ax.set_title("Forces") calc._log('...forces plotted.', toc='force-plot') fig.savefig(plotfile) if returndata: if plot_forces is False: return fig, energy_data else: return fig, energy_data, force_data
[docs]def plot_error(load, images, label='error', dblabel=None, plot_forces=True, plotfile=None, color='b.', overwrite=False, returndata=False, energy_coefficient=1.0, force_coefficient=0.04): """Makes an error plot of Amp energies and forces versus real energies and forces. Parameters ---------- load : str Path for loading an existing ".amp" file. Should be fed like 'load="filename.amp"'. images : list or str List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces in ASE format. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db) file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT calculations. label : str Default prefix/location used for all files. dblabel : str Optional separate prefix/location of database files, including fingerprints, fingerprint primes, and neighborlists, to avoid calculating them. If not supplied, just uses the value from label. plot_forces : bool Determines whether or not forces should be plotted as well. plotfile : Object File for the plot. color : str Plot color. overwrite : bool If a plot or an script containing values found overwrite it. returndata : bool Whether to return a reference to the figures and their data or not. energy_coefficient : float Coefficient of energy loss in the total loss function. force_coefficient : float Coefficient of force loss in the total loss function. """ calc = Amp.load(file=load) if plotfile is None: plotfile = make_filename(label, '-plot.pdf') if (not overwrite) and os.path.exists(plotfile): raise IOError('File exists: %s.\nIf you want to overwrite,' ' set overwrite=True or manually delete.' % plotfile) calc.dblabel = label if dblabel is None else dblabel if (force_coefficient != 0.) or (plot_forces is True): calculate_derivatives = True else: calculate_derivatives = False calc._log('\nAmp error plot started. ' + now() + '\n') calc._log('Descriptor: %s' % calc.descriptor.__class__.__name__) calc._log('Model: %s' % calc.model.__class__.__name__) images = hash_images(images, log=calc._log) calc._log('\nDescriptor\n==========') calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints( images=images, parallel=calc._parallel, log=calc._log, calculate_derivatives=calculate_derivatives) calc._log('Calculating potential energy errors...', tic='pot-energy') energy_data = {} for hash, image in images.iteritems(): no_of_atoms = len(image) amp_energy = calc.model.calculate_energy( calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash]) actual_energy = image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) act_energy_per_atom = actual_energy / no_of_atoms energy_error = abs(amp_energy - actual_energy) / no_of_atoms energy_data[hash] = [act_energy_per_atom, energy_error] calc._log('...potential energy errors calculated.', toc='pot-energy') # calculating energy per atom rmse energy_square_error = 0. for hash, image in images.iteritems(): energy_square_error += energy_data[hash][1] ** 2. energy_per_atom_rmse = np.sqrt(energy_square_error / len(images)) min_act_energy_per_atom = min([energy_data[hash][0] for hash, image in images.iteritems()]) max_act_energy_per_atom = max([energy_data[hash][0] for hash, image in images.iteritems()]) if plot_forces is False: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 5.)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(5., 10.)) ax = fig.add_subplot(211) calc._log('Plotting energy errors...', tic='energy-plot') for hash, image in images.iteritems(): ax.plot(energy_data[hash][0], energy_data[hash][1], color) # draw horizontal line for rmse ax.plot([min_act_energy_per_atom, max_act_energy_per_atom], [energy_per_atom_rmse, energy_per_atom_rmse], color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1,) ax.text(max_act_energy_per_atom, energy_per_atom_rmse, 'energy rmse = %6.5f' % energy_per_atom_rmse, ha='right', va='bottom', color='black') ax.set_xlabel("ab initio energy (eV) per atom") ax.set_ylabel("$|$ab initio energy - Amp energy$|$ / number of atoms") ax.set_title("Energies") calc._log(' errors plotted.', toc='energy-plot') if plot_forces is True: ax = fig.add_subplot(212) calc._log('Calculating force errors...', tic='forces') force_data = {} for hash, image in images.iteritems(): amp_forces = \ calc.model.calculate_forces( calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash], calc.descriptor.fingerprintprimes[hash]) actual_forces = image.get_forces(apply_constraint=False) force_data[hash] = [ actual_forces, abs(np.array(amp_forces) - np.array(actual_forces))] calc._log('...force errors calculated.', toc='forces') # calculating force rmse force_square_error = 0. for hash, image in images.iteritems(): no_of_atoms = len(image) for index in range(no_of_atoms): for k in range(3): force_square_error += \ ((1.0 / 3.0) * force_data[hash][1][index][k] ** 2.) / \ no_of_atoms force_rmse = np.sqrt(force_square_error / len(images)) min_act_force = min([force_data[hash][0][index][k] for hash, image in images.iteritems() for index in range(len(image)) for k in range(3)]) max_act_force = max([force_data[hash][0][index][k] for hash, image in images.iteritems() for index in range(len(image)) for k in range(3)]) calc._log('Plotting force errors...', tic='force-plot') for hash, image in images.iteritems(): for index in range(len(image)): for k in range(3): ax.plot(force_data[hash][0][index][k], force_data[hash][1][index][k], color) # draw horizontal line for rmse ax.plot([min_act_force, max_act_force], [force_rmse, force_rmse], color='black', linestyle='dashed', lw=1,) ax.text(max_act_force, force_rmse, 'force rmse = %5.4f' % force_rmse, ha='right', va='bottom', color='black',) ax.set_xlabel("ab initio force, eV/Ang") ax.set_ylabel("$|$ab initio force - Amp force$|$") ax.set_title("Forces") calc._log('...force errors plotted.', toc='force-plot') fig.savefig(plotfile) if returndata: if plot_forces is False: return fig, energy_data else: return fig, energy_data, force_data
[docs]def read_trainlog(logfile): """Reads the log file from the training process, returning the relevant parameters. Parameters ---------- logfile : str Name or path to the log file. """ data = {} with open(logfile, 'r') as f: lines = # Get number of images. for line in lines: if 'unique images after hashing.' in line: no_images = int(line.split()[0]) break data['no_images'] = no_images print('no_images') print(no_images) # Find where convergence data starts. startline = None for index, line in enumerate(lines): if 'Loss function convergence criteria:' in line: startline = index data['convergence'] = {} d = data['convergence'] break print('convergence') print(startline) # Get convergence parameters. ready = [False, False, False, False, False] for index, line in enumerate(lines[startline:]): if 'energy_rmse:' in line: ready[0] = True d['energy_rmse'] = float(line.split(':')[-1]) elif 'force_rmse:' in line: ready[1] = True _ = line.split(':')[-1].strip() if _ == 'None': d['force_rmse'] = None trainforces = False else: d['force_rmse'] = float(line.split(':')[-1]) trainforces = True print('train forces: %s' % trainforces) elif 'force_coefficient:' in line: ready[2] = True d['force_coefficient'] = float(line.split(':')[-1]) elif 'energy_coefficient:' in line: ready[3] = True d['energy_coefficient'] = float(line.split(':')[-1]) elif 'Step' in line and 'Time' in line: ready[4] = True startline += index + 2 if ready == [True, True, True, True]: break E = d['energy_rmse']**2 * no_images if trainforces: F = d['force_rmse']**2 * no_images else: F = 0. costfxngoal = d['energy_coefficient'] * E + d['force_coefficient'] * F d['costfxngoal'] = costfxngoal # Extract data. steps, es, fs, costfxns = [], [], [], [] costfxnEs, costfxnFs = [], [] index = startline while index < len(lines): line = lines[index] if 'Saving checkpoint data.' in line: index += 1 continue elif 'Overwriting file' in line: index += 1 continue elif 'optimization completed successfully.' in line: # old version break elif '...optimization successful.' in line: break elif 'could not find parameters for the' in line: break elif '...optimization unsuccessful.' in line: break print(line) if trainforces: step, time, costfxn, e, _, _, _, f, _, _, _ = line.split() fs.append(float(f)) F = float(f)**2 * no_images costfxnFs.append(d['force_coefficient'] * F / float(costfxn)) else: step, time, costfxn, e, _, _, _ = line.split() steps.append(int(step)) es.append(float(e)) costfxns.append(costfxn) E = float(e)**2 * no_images costfxnEs.append(d['energy_coefficient'] * E / float(costfxn)) index += 1 d['steps'] = steps d['es'] = es d['fs'] = fs d['costfxns'] = costfxns d['costfxnEs'] = costfxnEs d['costfxnFs'] = costfxnFs return data
[docs]def plot_convergence(logfile, plotfile='convergence.pdf'): """Makes a plot of the convergence of the cost function and its energy and force components. Parameters ---------- logfile : str Name or path to the log file. plotfile : str Name or path to the plot file. """ data = read_trainlog(logfile) # Find if multiple runs contained in data set. d = data['convergence'] steps = range(len(d['steps'])) breaks = [] for index, step in enumerate(d['steps'][1:]): if step < d['steps'][index]: breaks.append(index) # Make plots. fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(6., 8.)) # Margins, vertical gap, and top-to-bottom ratio of figure. lm, rm, bm, tm, vg, tb = 0.12, 0.05, 0.08, 0.03, 0.08, 4. bottomaxheight = (1. - bm - tm - vg) / (tb + 1.) ax = fig.add_axes((lm, bm + bottomaxheight + vg, 1. - lm - rm, tb * bottomaxheight)) ax.semilogy(steps, d['es'], 'b', lw=2, label='energy rmse') if d['force_rmse']: ax.semilogy(steps, d['fs'], 'g', lw=2, label='force rmse') ax.semilogy(steps, d['costfxns'], color='0.5', lw=2, label='loss function') # Targets. ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['energy_rmse']] * 2, color='b', linestyle=':') if d['force_rmse']: ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['force_rmse']] * 2, color='g', linestyle=':') ax.semilogy([steps[0], steps[-1]], [d['costfxngoal']] * 2, color='0.5', linestyle=':') ax.set_ylabel('error') ax.legend(loc='best') if len(breaks) > 0: ylim = ax.get_ylim() for b in breaks: ax.plot([b] * 2, ylim, '--k') if d['force_rmse']: axf = fig.add_axes((lm, bm, 1. - lm - rm, bottomaxheight)) axf.fill_between(x=np.array(steps), y1=d['costfxnEs'], color='blue') axf.fill_between(x=np.array(steps), y1=d['costfxnEs'], y2=np.array(d['costfxnEs']) + np.array(d['costfxnFs']), color='green') axf.set_ylabel('loss function component') axf.set_xlabel('loss function call') axf.set_ylim(0, 1) else: ax.set_xlabel('loss function call') fig.savefig(plotfile) pyplot.close(fig)