Source code for amp.descriptor.cutoffs

#!/usr/bin/env python
This script contains different cutoff function forms.

Note all cutoff functions need to have a "todict" method
to support saving/loading as an Amp object.

All cutoff functions also need to have an `Rc` attribute which
is the maximum distance at which properties are calculated; this
will be used in calculating neighborlists.


import numpy as np

[docs]def dict2cutoff(dct): """This function converts a dictionary (which was created with the to_dict method of one of the cutoff classes) into an instantiated version of the class. Modeled after ASE's dict2constraint function. """ if len(dct) != 2: raise RuntimeError('Cutoff dictionary must have only two values,' ' "name" and "kwargs".') return globals()[dct['name']](**dct['kwargs'])
[docs]class Cosine(object): """Cosine functional form suggested by Behler. Parameters --------- Rc : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. """ def __init__(self, Rc): self.Rc = Rc
[docs] def __call__(self, Rij): """ Parameters ---------- Rij : float Distance between pair atoms. Returns ------- float The vaule of the cutoff function. """ if Rij > self.Rc: return 0. else: return 0.5 * (np.cos(np.pi * Rij / self.Rc) + 1.)
[docs] def prime(self, Rij): """Derivative of the Cosine cutoff function. Parameters ---------- Rij : float Distance between pair atoms. Returns ------- float The vaule of derivative of the cutoff function. """ if Rij > self.Rc: return 0. else: return -0.5 * np.pi / self.Rc * np.sin(np.pi * Rij / self.Rc)
[docs] def todict(self): return {'name': 'Cosine', 'kwargs': {'Rc': self.Rc}}
def __repr__(self): return ('<Cosine cutoff with Rc=%.3f from amp.descriptor.cutoffs>' % self.Rc)
[docs]class Polynomial(object): """Polynomial functional form suggested by Khorshidi and Peterson. Parameters ---------- gamma : float The power of polynomial. Rc : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. """ def __init__(self, Rc, gamma=4): self.gamma = gamma self.Rc = Rc
[docs] def __call__(self, Rij, gamma): """ Parameters ---------- Rij : float Distance between pair atoms. Returns ------- value : float The vaule of the cutoff function. """ if Rij > self.Rc: return 0. else: value = 1. + self.gamma * (Rij / self.Rc) ** (self.gamma + 1) - \ (self.gamma + 1) * (Rij / self.Rc) ** self.gamma return value
[docs] def prime(self, Rij, gamma): """Derivative of the Cosine cutoff function. Parameters ---------- Rc : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. Rij : float Distance between pair atoms. Returns ------- float The vaule of derivative of the cutoff function. """ if Rij > self.Rc: return 0. else: value = (self.gamma * (self.gamma + 1) / self.Rc) * \ ((Rij / self.Rc) ** self.gamma - (Rij / self.Rc) ** (self.gamma - 1)) return value
[docs] def todict(self): return {'name': 'Polynomial', 'kwargs': {'Rc': self.Rc, 'gamma': self.gamma } }
def __repr__(self): return ('<Polynomial cutoff with Rc=%.3f and gamma=%i ' 'from amp.descriptor.cutoffs>' % (self.Rc, self.gamma))