Source code for amp.descriptor.gaussian

import numpy as np

from import atomic_numbers
from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters
from ..utilities import Data, Logger, importer
from .cutoffs import Cosine, dict2cutoff
NeighborList = importer('NeighborList')
    from .. import fmodules
except ImportError:
    fmodules = None

[docs]class Gaussian(object): """Class that calculates Gaussian fingerprints (i.e., Behler-style). Parameters ---------- cutoff : object or float Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Can be also fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be employed. Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff. Gs : dict Dictionary of symbols and lists of dictionaries for making symmetry functions. Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for example: >>> Gs = {"O": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":10.}, ... {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"], ... "eta":5., "gamma":1., "zeta":1.0}], ... "Au": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":2.}, ... {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"], ... "eta":2., "gamma":1., "zeta":5.0}]} dblabel : str Optional separate prefix/location for database files, including fingerprints, fingerprint derivatives, and neighborlists. This file location can be shared between calculator instances to avoid re-calculating redundant information. If not supplied, just uses the value from label. elements : list List of allowed elements present in the system. If not provided, will be found automatically. version : str Version of fingerprints. fortran : bool If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not. mode : str Can be either 'atom-centered' or 'image-centered'. Raises ------ RuntimeError """ def __init__(self, cutoff=Cosine(6.5), Gs=None, dblabel=None, elements=None, version=None, fortran=True, mode='atom-centered'): # Check of the version of descriptor, particularly if restarting. compatibleversions = ['2015.12', ] if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions: raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use Gaussian fingerprints' ' version %s, but this module only supports' ' versions %s. You may need an older or ' ' newer version of Amp.' % (version, compatibleversions)) else: version = compatibleversions[-1] # Check that the mode is atom-centered. if mode != 'atom-centered': raise RuntimeError('Gaussian scheme only works ' 'in atom-centered mode. %s ' 'specified.' % mode) # If the cutoff is provided as a number, Cosine function will be used # by default. if isinstance(cutoff, int) or isinstance(cutoff, float): cutoff = Cosine(cutoff) # If the cutoff is provided as a dictionary, assume we need to load it # with dict2cutoff. if type(cutoff) is dict: cutoff = dict2cutoff(cutoff) # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information # to produce a compatible descriptor; that is, one that gives # an identical fingerprint when fed an ASE image. p = self.parameters = Parameters( {'importname': '.descriptor.gaussian.Gaussian', 'mode': 'atom-centered'}) p.version = version p.cutoff = cutoff.todict() p.Gs = Gs p.elements = elements self.dblabel = dblabel self.fortran = fortran self.parent = None # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance.
[docs] def tostring(self): """Returns an evaluatable representation of the calculator that can be used to restart the calculator. """ return self.parameters.tostring()
[docs] def calculate_fingerprints(self, images, parallel=None, log=None, calculate_derivatives=False): """Calculates the fingerpints of the images, for the ones not already done. Parameters ---------- images : list or str List of ASE atoms objects with positions, symbols, energies, and forces in ASE format. This is the training set of data. This can also be the path to an ASE trajectory (.traj) or database (.db) file. Energies can be obtained from any reference, e.g. DFT calculations. parallel : dict Configuration for parallelization. Should be in same form as in amp.Amp. log : Logger object Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable function. calculate_derivatives : bool Decides whether or not fingerprintprimes should also be calculated. """ if parallel is None: parallel = {'cores': 1} log = Logger(file=None) if log is None else log if (self.dblabel is None) and hasattr(self.parent, 'dblabel'): self.dblabel = self.parent.dblabel self.dblabel = 'amp-data' if self.dblabel is None else self.dblabel p = self.parameters log('Cutoff function: %s' % repr(dict2cutoff(p.cutoff))) if p.elements is None: log('Finding unique set of elements in training data.') p.elements = set([atom.symbol for atoms in images.values() for atom in atoms]) p.elements = sorted(p.elements) log('%i unique elements included: ' % len(p.elements) + ', '.join(p.elements)) if p.Gs is None: log('No symmetry functions supplied; creating defaults.') p.Gs = make_symmetry_functions(p.elements) log('Number of symmetry functions for each element:') for _ in p.Gs.keys(): log(' %2s: %i' % (_, len(p.Gs[_]))) log('Calculating neighborlists...', tic='nl') if not hasattr(self, 'neighborlist'): calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=p.cutoff['kwargs']['Rc']) self.neighborlist = \ Data(filename='%s-neighborlists' % self.dblabel, calculator=calc) self.neighborlist.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log) log('...neighborlists calculated.', toc='nl') log('Fingerprinting images...', tic='fp') if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprints'): calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist, Gs=p.Gs, cutoff=p.cutoff, fortran=self.fortran) self.fingerprints = Data(filename='%s-fingerprints' % self.dblabel, calculator=calc) self.fingerprints.calculate_items(images, parallel=parallel, log=log) log('...fingerprints calculated.', toc='fp') if calculate_derivatives: log('Calculating fingerprint derivatives...', tic='derfp') if not hasattr(self, 'fingerprintprimes'): calc = \ FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist=self.neighborlist, Gs=p.Gs, cutoff=p.cutoff, fortran=self.fortran) self.fingerprintprimes = \ Data(filename='%s-fingerprint-primes' % self.dblabel, calculator=calc) self.fingerprintprimes.calculate_items( images, parallel=parallel, log=log) log('...fingerprint derivatives calculated.', toc='derfp')
# Calculators ################################################################# # Neighborlist Calculator
[docs]class NeighborlistCalculator: """For integration with .utilities.Data For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset distances is returned. Parameters ---------- cutoff : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. """ def __init__(self, cutoff): self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff}) self.keyed = Parameters() self.parallel_command = 'calculate_neighborlists'
[docs] def calculate(self, image, key): """For integration with .utilities.Data For each image fed to calculate, a list of neighbors with offset distances is returned. Parameters ---------- image : object ASE atoms object. key : str key of the image after being hashed. """ cutoff = self.globals.cutoff n = NeighborList(cutoffs=[cutoff / 2.] * len(image), self_interaction=False, bothways=True, skin=0.) n.update(image) return [n.get_neighbors(index) for index in xrange(len(image))]
[docs]class FingerprintCalculator: """For integration with .utilities.Data Parameters ---------- neighborlist : list of str List of neighbors. Gs : dict Dictionary of symbols and lists of dictionaries for making symmetry functions. Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for example: >>> Gs = {"O": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":10.}, ... {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"], ... "eta":5., "gamma":1., "zeta":1.0}], ... "Au": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":2.}, ... {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"], ... "eta":2., "gamma":1., "zeta":5.0}]} cutoff : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. fortran : bool If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not. """ def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, cutoff, fortran): self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff, 'Gs': Gs}) self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist}) self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprints' self.fortran = fortran
[docs] def calculate(self, image, key): """Makes a list of fingerprints, one per atom, for the fed image. Parameters ---------- image : object ASE atoms object. key : str key of the image after being hashed. """ self.atoms = image nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key] fingerprints = [] for atom in image: symbol = atom.symbol index = atom.index neighborindices, neighboroffsets = nl[index] neighborsymbols = [image[_].symbol for _ in neighborindices] neighborpositions = \ [image.positions[neighbor] +, image.cell) for (neighbor, offset) in zip(neighborindices, neighboroffsets)] indexfp = self.get_fingerprint( index, symbol, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions) fingerprints.append(indexfp) return fingerprints
[docs] def get_fingerprint(self, index, symbol, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions): """Returns the fingerprint of symmetry function values for atom specified by its index and symbol. neighborsymbols and neighborpositions are lists of neighbors' symbols and Cartesian positions, respectively. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the center atom. symbol : str Symbol of the center atom. neighborsymbols : list of str List of neighbors' symbols. neighborpositions : list of list of float List of Cartesian atomic positions. Returns ------- symbol, fingerprint : list of float fingerprints for atom specified by its index and symbol. """ Ri = self.atoms[index].position num_symmetries = len(self.globals.Gs[symbol]) fingerprint = [None] * num_symmetries for count in xrange(num_symmetries): G = self.globals.Gs[symbol][count] if G['type'] == 'G2': ridge = calculate_G2(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G['element'], G['eta'], self.globals.cutoff, Ri, self.fortran) elif G['type'] == 'G4': ridge = calculate_G4(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G['elements'], G['gamma'], G['zeta'], G['eta'], self.globals.cutoff, Ri, self.fortran) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown G type: %s' % G['type']) fingerprint[count] = ridge return symbol, fingerprint
[docs]class FingerprintPrimeCalculator: """For integration with .utilities.Data Parameters ---------- neighborlist : list of str List of neighbors. Gs : dict Dictionary of symbols and lists of dictionaries for making symmetry functions. Either auto-genetrated, or given in the following form, for example: >>> Gs = {"O": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":10.}, ... {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"], ... "eta":5., "gamma":1., "zeta":1.0}], ... "Au": [{"type":"G2", "element":"O", "eta":2.}, ... {"type":"G4", "elements":["O", "Au"], ... "eta":2., "gamma":1., "zeta":5.0}]} cutoff : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. fortran : bool If True, will use fortran modules, if False, will not. """ def __init__(self, neighborlist, Gs, cutoff, fortran): self.globals = Parameters({'cutoff': cutoff, 'Gs': Gs}) self.keyed = Parameters({'neighborlist': neighborlist}) self.parallel_command = 'calculate_fingerprint_primes' self.fortran = fortran
[docs] def calculate(self, image, key): """Makes a list of fingerprint derivatives, one per atom, for the fed image. Parameters ---------- image : object ASE atoms object. key : str key of the image after being hashed. """ self.atoms = image nl = self.keyed.neighborlist[key] fingerprintprimes = {} for atom in image: selfsymbol = atom.symbol selfindex = atom.index selfneighborindices, selfneighboroffsets = nl[selfindex] selfneighborsymbols = [ image[_].symbol for _ in selfneighborindices] selfneighborpositions = [image.positions[_index] +, image.get_cell()) for _index, _offset in zip(selfneighborindices, selfneighboroffsets)] for i in xrange(3): # Calculating derivative of fingerprints of self atom w.r.t. # coordinates of itself. fpprime = self.get_fingerprintprime( selfindex, selfsymbol, selfneighborindices, selfneighborsymbols, selfneighborpositions, selfindex, i) fingerprintprimes[ (selfindex, selfsymbol, selfindex, selfsymbol, i)] = \ fpprime # Calculating derivative of fingerprints of neighbor atom # w.r.t. coordinates of self atom. for nindex, nsymbol, noffset in \ zip(selfneighborindices, selfneighborsymbols, selfneighboroffsets): # for calculating forces, summation runs over neighbor # atoms of type II (within the main cell only) if noffset.all() == 0: nneighborindices, nneighboroffsets = nl[nindex] nneighborsymbols = \ [image[_].symbol for _ in nneighborindices] neighborpositions = [image.positions[_index] +, image.get_cell()) for _index, _offset in zip(nneighborindices, nneighboroffsets)] # for calculating derivatives of fingerprints, # summation runs over neighboring atoms of type # I (either inside or outside the main cell) fpprime = self.get_fingerprintprime( nindex, nsymbol, nneighborindices, nneighborsymbols, neighborpositions, selfindex, i) fingerprintprimes[ (selfindex, selfsymbol, nindex, nsymbol, i)] = \ fpprime return fingerprintprimes
[docs] def get_fingerprintprime(self, index, symbol, neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, m, l): """ Returns the value of the derivative of G for atom with index and symbol with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m. neighborindices, neighborsymbols and neighborpositions are lists of neighbors' indices, symbols and Cartesian positions, respectively. Parameters ---------- index : int Index of the center atom. symbol : str Symbol of the center atom. neighborindices : list of int List of neighbors' indices. neighborsymbols : list of str List of neighbors' symbols. neighborpositions : list of list of float List of Cartesian atomic positions. m : int Index of the pair atom. l : int Direction of the derivative; is an integer from 0 to 2. Returns ------- fingerprintprime : list of float The value of the derivative of the fingerprints for atom with index and symbol with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m. """ num_symmetries = len(self.globals.Gs[symbol]) Rindex = self.atoms.positions[index] fingerprintprime = [None] * num_symmetries for count in xrange(num_symmetries): G = self.globals.Gs[symbol][count] if G['type'] == 'G2': ridge = calculate_G2_prime( neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G['element'], G['eta'], self.globals.cutoff, index, Rindex, m, l, self.fortran) elif G['type'] == 'G4': ridge = calculate_G4_prime( neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G['elements'], G['gamma'], G['zeta'], G['eta'], self.globals.cutoff, index, Rindex, m, l, self.fortran) else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown G type: %s' % G['type']) fingerprintprime[count] = ridge return fingerprintprime
# Auxiliary functions #########################################################
[docs]def calculate_G2(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G_element, eta, cutoff, Ri, fortran): """Calculate G2 symmetry function. Ideally this will not be used but will be a template for how to build the fortran version (and serves as a slow backup if the fortran one goes uncompiled). See Eq. 13a of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters ---------- neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of all neighbor atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of float List of Cartesian atomic positions. G_element : dict Symmetry functions of the center atom. eta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. cutoff : float Radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored. Ri : int Index of the center atom. fortran : bool If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not. Returns ------- ridge : float G2 fingerprint. """ if fortran: # fortran version; faster G_number = [atomic_numbers[G_element]] neighbornumbers = \ [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols] if len(neighbornumbers) == 0: ridge = 0. else: cutofffn = cutoff['name'] Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] args_calculate_g2 = dict( neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers, neighborpositions=neighborpositions, g_number=G_number, g_eta=eta, rc=Rc, cutofffn=cutofffn, ri=Ri ) if cutofffn == 'Polynomial': args_calculate_g2['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] ridge = fmodules.calculate_g2(**args_calculate_g2) else: Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff) ridge = 0. # One aspect of a fingerprint :) num_neighbors = len(neighborpositions) # number of neighboring atoms for count in xrange(num_neighbors): symbol = neighborsymbols[count] Rj = neighborpositions[count] if symbol == G_element: Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri) args_cutoff_fxn = dict(Rij=Rij) if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial': args_cutoff_fxn['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] ridge += (np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) * cutoff_fxn(**args_cutoff_fxn)) return ridge
[docs]def calculate_G4(neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G_elements, gamma, zeta, eta, cutoff, Ri, fortran): """Calculate G4 symmetry function. Ideally this will not be used but will be a template for how to build the fortran version (and serves as a slow backup if the fortran one goes uncompiled). See Eq. 13c of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters ---------- neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of neighboring atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of float List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms. G_elements : dict Symmetry functions of the center atom. gamma : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. zeta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. eta : float Parameter of Gaussian symmetry functions. cutoff : object or float Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Can be also fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be employed. Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff. Ri : int Index of the center atom. fortran : bool If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not. Returns ------- ridge : float G4 fingerprint. """ if fortran: # fortran version; faster G_numbers = sorted([atomic_numbers[el] for el in G_elements]) neighbornumbers = \ [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols] if len(neighborpositions) == 0: return 0. else: cutofffn = cutoff['name'] Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] args_calculate_g4 = dict( neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers, neighborpositions=neighborpositions, g_numbers=G_numbers, g_gamma=gamma, g_zeta=zeta, g_eta=eta, rc=Rc, cutofffn=cutofffn, ri=Ri ) if cutofffn == 'Polynomial': args_calculate_g4['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] ridge = fmodules.calculate_g4(**args_calculate_g4) return ridge else: Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff) ridge = 0. counts = range(len(neighborpositions)) for j in counts: for k in counts[(j + 1):]: els = sorted([neighborsymbols[j], neighborsymbols[k]]) if els != G_elements: continue Rij_vector = neighborpositions[j] - Ri Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector) Rik_vector = neighborpositions[k] - Ri Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector) Rjk_vector = neighborpositions[k] - neighborpositions[j] Rjk = np.linalg.norm(Rjk_vector) cos_theta_ijk =, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik term = (1. + gamma * cos_theta_ijk) ** zeta term *= np.exp(-eta * (Rij ** 2. + Rik ** 2. + Rjk ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) _Rij = dict(Rij=Rij) _Rik = dict(Rij=Rik) _Rjk = dict(Rij=Rjk) if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial': _Rij['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] _Rik['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] _Rjk['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] term *= cutoff_fxn(**_Rij) term *= cutoff_fxn(**_Rik) term *= cutoff_fxn(**_Rjk) ridge += term ridge *= 2. ** (1. - zeta) return ridge
[docs]def make_symmetry_functions(elements): """Makes symmetry functions as in Nano Letters function by Artrith. Elements is a list of the elements, as in: ["C", "O", "H", "Cu"]. G[0] = {"type":"G2", "element": "O", "eta": 0.0009} G[40] = {"type":"G4", "elements": ["O", "Au"], "eta": 0.0001, "gamma": 1.0, "zeta": 1.0} If G (a list) is fed in, this will add to it and return an expanded version. If not, it will create a new one. Parameters ---------- elements : list of str List of symbols of all atoms. Returns ------- G : dict of lists Symmetry functions if not given by the user. """ G = {} for element0 in elements: # Radial symmetry functions. etas = [0.05, 4., 20., 80.] _G = [{'type': 'G2', 'element': element, 'eta': eta} for eta in etas for element in elements] # Angular symmetry functions. etas = [0.005] zetas = [1., 4.] gammas = [+1., -1.] for eta in etas: for zeta in zetas: for gamma in gammas: for i1, el1 in enumerate(elements): for el2 in elements[i1:]: els = sorted([el1, el2]) _G.append({'type': 'G4', 'elements': els, 'eta': eta, 'gamma': gamma, 'zeta': zeta}) G[element0] = _G return G
[docs]def Kronecker(i, j): """Kronecker delta function. Parameters ---------- i : int First index of Kronecker delta. j : int Second index of Kronecker delta. Returns ------- int The value of the Kronecker delta. """ if i == j: return 1 else: return 0
[docs]def dRij_dRml_vector(i, j, m, l): """Returns the derivative of the position vector R_{ij} with respect to x_{l} of itomic index m. See Eq. 14d of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters ---------- i : int Index of the first atom. j : int Index of the second atom. m : int Index of the atom force is acting on. l : int Direction of force. Returns ------- list of float The derivative of the position vector R_{ij} with respect to x_{l} of atomic index m. """ if (m != i) and (m != j): return [0, 0, 0] else: dRij_dRml_vector = [None, None, None] c1 = Kronecker(m, j) - Kronecker(m, i) dRij_dRml_vector[0] = c1 * Kronecker(0, l) dRij_dRml_vector[1] = c1 * Kronecker(1, l) dRij_dRml_vector[2] = c1 * Kronecker(2, l) return dRij_dRml_vector
[docs]def dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l): """Returns the derivative of the norm of position vector R_{ij} with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atomic index m. See Eq. 14c of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters ---------- i : int Index of the first atom. j : int Index of the second atom. Ri : float Position of the first atom. Rj : float Position of the second atom. m : int Index of the atom force is acting on. l : int Direction of force. Returns ------- dRij_dRml : list of float The derivative of the noRi of position vector R_{ij} with respect to x_{l} of atomic index m. """ Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri) if m == i and i != j: # i != j is necessary for periodic systems dRij_dRml = -(Rj[l] - Ri[l]) / Rij elif m == j and i != j: # i != j is necessary for periodic systems dRij_dRml = (Rj[l] - Ri[l]) / Rij else: dRij_dRml = 0 return dRij_dRml
[docs]def dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml(i, j, k, Ri, Rj, Rk, m, l): """Returns the derivative of Cos(theta_{ijk}) with respect to x_{l} of atomic index m. See Eq. 14f of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters ---------- i : int Index of the center atom. j : int Index of the first atom. k : int Index of the second atom. Ri : float Position of the center atom. Rj : float Position of the first atom. Rk : float Position of the second atom. m : int Index of the atom force is acting on. l : int Direction of force. Returns ------- dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml : float Derivative of Cos(theta_{ijk}) with respect to x_{l} of atomic index m. """ Rij_vector = Rj - Ri Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector) Rik_vector = Rk - Ri Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector) dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml = 0 dRijdRml = dRij_dRml_vector(i, j, m, l) if np.array(dRijdRml).any() != 0: dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml +=, Rik_vector) / (Rij * Rik) dRikdRml = dRij_dRml_vector(i, k, m, l) if np.array(dRikdRml).any() != 0: dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml +=, dRikdRml) / (Rij * Rik) dRijdRml = dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l) if dRijdRml != 0: dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml += -, Rik_vector) * dRijdRml / \ ((Rij ** 2.) * Rik) dRikdRml = dRij_dRml(i, k, Ri, Rk, m, l) if dRikdRml != 0: dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml += -, Rik_vector) * dRikdRml / \ (Rij * (Rik ** 2.)) return dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml
[docs]def calculate_G2_prime(neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G_element, eta, cutoff, i, Ri, m, l, fortran): """Calculates coordinate derivative of G2 symmetry function for atom at index i and position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m. See Eq. 13b of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters --------- neighborindices : list of int List of int of neighboring atoms. neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of neighboring atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of float List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms. G_element : dict Symmetry functions of the center atom. eta : float Parameter of Behler symmetry functions. cutoff : object or float Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Can be also fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be employed. Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff. i : int Index of the center atom. Ri : float Position of the center atom. m : int Index of the atom force is acting on. l : int Direction of force. fortran : bool If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not. Returns ------- ridge : float Coordinate derivative of G2 symmetry function for atom at index a and position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m. """ if fortran: # fortran version; faster G_number = [atomic_numbers[G_element]] neighbornumbers = \ [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols] if len(neighborpositions) == 0: ridge = 0. else: cutofffn = cutoff['name'] Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] args_calculate_g2_prime = dict( neighborindices=list(neighborindices), neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers, neighborpositions=neighborpositions, g_number=G_number, g_eta=eta, rc=Rc, cutofffn=cutofffn, i=i, ri=Ri, m=m, l=l ) if cutofffn == 'Polynomial': args_calculate_g2_prime['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] ridge = fmodules.calculate_g2_prime(**args_calculate_g2_prime) else: Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff) ridge = 0. # One aspect of a fingerprint :) num_neighbors = len(neighborpositions) # number of neighboring atoms for count in xrange(num_neighbors): symbol = neighborsymbols[count] Rj = neighborpositions[count] j = neighborindices[count] if symbol == G_element: dRijdRml = dRij_dRml(i, j, Ri, Rj, m, l) if dRijdRml != 0: Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rj - Ri) args_cutoff_fxn = dict(Rij=Rij) if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial': args_cutoff_fxn['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] term1 = (-2. * eta * Rij * cutoff_fxn(**args_cutoff_fxn) / (Rc ** 2.) +**args_cutoff_fxn)) ridge += np.exp(- eta * (Rij ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) * \ term1 * dRijdRml return ridge
[docs]def calculate_G4_prime(neighborindices, neighborsymbols, neighborpositions, G_elements, gamma, zeta, eta, cutoff, i, Ri, m, l, fortran): """Calculates coordinate derivative of G4 symmetry function for atom at index i and position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m. See Eq. 13d of the supplementary information of Khorshidi, Peterson, CPC(2016). Parameters ---------- neighborindices : list of int List of int of neighboring atoms. neighborsymbols : list of str List of symbols of neighboring atoms. neighborpositions : list of list of float List of Cartesian atomic positions of neighboring atoms. G_elements : dict Symmetry functions of the center atom. gamma : float Parameter of Behler symmetry functions. zeta : float Parameter of Behler symmetry functions. eta : float Parameter of Behler symmetry functions. cutoff : object or float Cutoff function, typically from amp.descriptor.cutoffs. Can be also fed as a float representing the radius above which neighbor interactions are ignored; in this case a cosine cutoff function will be employed. Default is a 6.5-Angstrom cosine cutoff. i : int Index of the center atom. Ri : float Position of the center atom. m : int Index of the atom force is acting on. l : int Direction of force. fortran : bool If True, will use the fortran subroutines, else will not. Returns ------- ridge : float Coordinate derivative of G4 symmetry function for atom at index i and position Ri with respect to coordinate x_{l} of atom index m. """ if fortran: # fortran version; faster G_numbers = sorted([atomic_numbers[el] for el in G_elements]) neighbornumbers = [atomic_numbers[symbol] for symbol in neighborsymbols] if len(neighborpositions) == 0: ridge = 0. else: cutofffn = cutoff['name'] Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] args_calculate_g4_prime = dict( neighborindices=list(neighborindices), neighbornumbers=neighbornumbers, neighborpositions=neighborpositions, g_numbers=G_numbers, g_gamma=gamma, g_zeta=zeta, g_eta=eta, rc=Rc, cutofffn=cutofffn, i=i, ri=Ri, m=m, l=l ) if cutofffn == 'Polynomial': args_calculate_g4_prime['p_gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] ridge = fmodules.calculate_g4_prime(**args_calculate_g4_prime) else: Rc = cutoff['kwargs']['Rc'] cutoff_fxn = dict2cutoff(cutoff) ridge = 0. # number of neighboring atoms counts = range(len(neighborpositions)) for j in counts: for k in counts[(j + 1):]: els = sorted([neighborsymbols[j], neighborsymbols[k]]) if els != G_elements: continue Rj = neighborpositions[j] Rk = neighborpositions[k] Rij_vector = neighborpositions[j] - Ri Rij = np.linalg.norm(Rij_vector) Rik_vector = neighborpositions[k] - Ri Rik = np.linalg.norm(Rik_vector) Rjk_vector = neighborpositions[k] - neighborpositions[j] Rjk = np.linalg.norm(Rjk_vector) cos_theta_ijk =, Rik_vector) / Rij / Rik c1 = (1. + gamma * cos_theta_ijk) _Rij = dict(Rij=Rij) _Rik = dict(Rij=Rik) _Rjk = dict(Rij=Rjk) if cutoff['name'] == 'Polynomial': _Rij['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] _Rik['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] _Rjk['gamma'] = cutoff['kwargs']['gamma'] fcRij = cutoff_fxn(**_Rij) fcRik = cutoff_fxn(**_Rik) fcRjk = cutoff_fxn(**_Rjk) if zeta == 1: term1 = \ np.exp(- eta * (Rij ** 2. + Rik ** 2. + Rjk ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) else: term1 = c1 ** (zeta - 1.) * \ np.exp(- eta * (Rij ** 2. + Rik ** 2. + Rjk ** 2.) / (Rc ** 2.)) term2 = 0. fcRijfcRikfcRjk = fcRij * fcRik * fcRjk dCosthetadRml = dCos_theta_ijk_dR_ml(i, neighborindices[j], neighborindices[k], Ri, Rj, Rk, m, l) if dCosthetadRml != 0: term2 += gamma * zeta * dCosthetadRml dRijdRml = dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices[j], Ri, Rj, m, l) if dRijdRml != 0: term2 += -2. * c1 * eta * Rij * dRijdRml / (Rc ** 2.) dRikdRml = dRij_dRml(i, neighborindices[k], Ri, Rk, m, l) if dRikdRml != 0: term2 += -2. * c1 * eta * Rik * dRikdRml / (Rc ** 2.) dRjkdRml = dRij_dRml(neighborindices[j], neighborindices[k], Rj, Rk, m, l) if dRjkdRml != 0: term2 += -2. * c1 * eta * Rjk * dRjkdRml / (Rc ** 2.) term3 = fcRijfcRikfcRjk * term2 term4 =**_Rij) * dRijdRml * fcRik * fcRjk term5 = fcRij ***_Rik) * dRikdRml * fcRjk term6 = fcRij * fcRik ***_Rjk) * dRjkdRml ridge += term1 * (term3 + c1 * (term4 + term5 + term6)) ridge *= 2. ** (1. - zeta) return ridge
if __name__ == "__main__": """Directly calling this module; apparently from another node. Calls should come as python -m amp.descriptor.gaussian id hostname:port This session will then start a zmq session with that socket, labeling itself with id. Instructions on what to do will come from the socket. """ import sys import tempfile import zmq from ..utilities import MessageDictionary fortran = False if fmodules is None else True hostsocket = sys.argv[-1] proc_id = sys.argv[-2] msg = MessageDictionary(proc_id) # Send standard lines to stdout signaling process started and where # error is directed. This should be caught by pxssh. (This could # alternatively be done by zmq, but this works.) print('<amp-connect>') # Signal that program started. sys.stderr = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False, suffix='.stderr') print('Log and error written to %s<stderr>' % sys.stderr.write('initiated\n') sys.stderr.flush() # Establish client session via zmq; find purpose. context = zmq.Context() sys.stderr.write('context started\n') sys.stderr.flush() socket = context.socket(zmq.REQ) sys.stderr.write('socket started\n') sys.stderr.flush() socket.connect('tcp://%s' % hostsocket) sys.stderr.write('connection made\n') sys.stderr.flush() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<purpose>')) sys.stderr.write('message sent\n') sys.stderr.flush() purpose = socket.recv_pyobj() sys.stderr.write('purpose received\n') sys.stderr.flush() sys.stderr.write('purpose: %s \n' % purpose) sys.stderr.flush() if purpose == 'calculate_neighborlists': # Request variables. socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff')) cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images')) images = socket.recv_pyobj() # sys.stderr.write(str(images)) # Just to see if they are there. # Perform the calculations. calc = NeighborlistCalculator(cutoff=cutoff) neighborlist = {} # for key in images.iterkeys(): while len(images) > 0: key, image = images.popitem() # Reduce memory. neighborlist[key] = calc.calculate(image, key) # Send the results. socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', neighborlist)) socket.recv_string() # Needed to complete REQ/REP. elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprints': # Request variables. socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff')) cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs')) Gs = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist')) neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images')) images = socket.recv_pyobj() calc = FingerprintCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, cutoff, fortran) result = {} while len(images) > 0: key, image = images.popitem() # Reduce memory. result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key) if len(images) % 100 == 0: socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images))) socket.recv_string() # Needed to complete REQ/REP. # Send the results. socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result)) socket.recv_string() # Needed to complete REQ/REP. elif purpose == 'calculate_fingerprint_primes': # Request variables. socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'cutoff')) cutoff = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'Gs')) Gs = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'neighborlist')) neighborlist = socket.recv_pyobj() socket.send_pyobj(msg('<request>', 'images')) images = socket.recv_pyobj() calc = FingerprintPrimeCalculator(neighborlist, Gs, cutoff, fortran) result = {} while len(images) > 0: key, image = images.popitem() # Reduce memory. result[key] = calc.calculate(image, key) if len(images) % 100 == 0: socket.send_pyobj(msg('<info>', len(images))) socket.recv_string() # Needed to complete REQ/REP. # Send the results. socket.send_pyobj(msg('<result>', result)) socket.recv_string() # Needed to complete REQ/REP. else: raise NotImplementedError('purpose %s unknown.' % purpose)