Source code for amp.model.neuralnetwork

import os
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from ase.calculators.calculator import Parameters

from . import LossFunction, calculate_fingerprints_range, Model
from ..regression import Regressor
from ..utilities import Logger, hash_images, make_filename

[docs]class NeuralNetwork(Model): """Class that implements a basic feed-forward neural network. Parameters ---------- hiddenlayers : dict Dictionary of chemical element symbols and architectures of their corresponding hidden layers of the conventional neural network. Number of nodes of last layer is always one corresponding to energy. However, number of nodes of first layer is equal to three times number of atoms in the system in the case of no descriptor, and is equal to length of symmetry functions of the descriptor. Can be fed using tuples as: >>> hiddenlayers = (3, 2,) for example, in which a neural network with two hidden layers, the first one having three nodes and the second one having two nodes is assigned (to the whole atomic system in the no descriptor case, and to each chemical element in the atom-centered mode). When setting only one hidden layer, the dictionary can be fed as: >>> hiddenlayers = (3,) In the atom-centered mode, neural network for each species can be assigned seperately, as: >>> hiddenlayers = {"O":(3,5), "Au":(5,6)} for example. activation : str Assigns the type of activation funtion. "linear" refers to linear function, "tanh" refers to tanh function, and "sigmoid" refers to sigmoid function. weights : dict In the case of no descriptor, keys correspond to layers and values are two dimensional arrays of network weight. In the atom-centered mode, keys correspond to chemical elements and values are dictionaries with layer keys and network weight two dimensional arrays as values. Arrays are set up to connect node i in the previous layer with node j in the current layer with indices w[i,j]. The last value for index i corresponds to bias. If weights is not given, arrays will be randomly generated. scalings : dict In the case of no descriptor, keys are "intercept" and "slope" and values are real numbers. In the fingerprinting scheme, keys correspond to chemical elements and values are dictionaries with "intercept" and "slope" keys and real number values. If scalings is not given, it will be randomly generated. fprange : dict Range of fingerprints of each chemical species. Should be fed as a dictionary of chemical species and a list of minimum and maximun, e.g.: >>> fprange={"Pd": [0.31, 0.59], "O":[0.56, 0.72]} regressor : object Regressor object for finding best fit model parameters, e.g. by loss function optimization via amp.regression.Regressor. mode : str Can be either 'atom-centered' or 'image-centered'. lossfunction : object Loss function object, if at all desired by the user. version : object Version of this class. fortran : bool If True, allows for extrapolation, if False, does not allow. checkpoints : int Frequency with which to save parameter checkpoints upon training. E.g., 100 saves a checpoint on each 100th training setp. Specify None for no checkpoints. .. note:: Dimensions of weight two dimensional arrays should be consistent with hiddenlayers. Raises ------ RuntimeError, NotImplementedError """ def __init__(self, hiddenlayers=(5, 5), activation='tanh', weights=None, scalings=None, fprange=None, regressor=None, mode=None, lossfunction=None, version=None, fortran=True, checkpoints=100): # Version check, particularly if restarting. compatibleversions = ['2015.12', ] if (version is not None) and version not in compatibleversions: raise RuntimeError('Error: Trying to use NeuralNetwork' ' version %s, but this module only supports' ' versions %s. You may need an older or ' 'newer version of Amp.' % (version, compatibleversions)) else: version = compatibleversions[-1] # The parameters dictionary contains the minimum information # to produce a compatible model; e.g., one that gives # the identical energy (and/or forces) when fed a fingerprint. p = self.parameters = Parameters() p.importname = '.model.neuralnetwork.NeuralNetwork' p.version = version p.hiddenlayers = hiddenlayers p.weights = weights p.scalings = scalings p.fprange = fprange p.activation = activation p.mode = mode # Checking that the activation function is given correctly: if activation not in ['linear', 'tanh', 'sigmoid']: _ = ('Unknown activation function %s; must be one of ' '"linear", "tanh", or "sigmoid".' % activation) raise NotImplementedError(_) self.regressor = regressor self.parent = None # Can hold a reference to main Amp instance. self.lossfunction = lossfunction self.fortran = fortran self.checkpoints = checkpoints if self.lossfunction is None: self.lossfunction = LossFunction()
[docs] def fit(self, trainingimages, descriptor, log, parallel, only_setup=False, ): """Fit the model parameters such that the fingerprints can be used to describe the energies in trainingimages. log is the logging object. descriptor is a descriptor object, as would be in calc.descriptor. Parameters ---------- trainingimages : dict Hashed dictionary of training images. descriptor : object Class representing local atomic environment. log : Logger object Write function at which to log data. Note this must be a callable function. parallel: dict Parallel configuration dictionary. Takes the same form as in amp.Amp. only_setup : bool only_setup is primarily for debugging. It initializes all variables but skips the last line of starting the regressor. """ # Set all parameters and report to logfile. self._parallel = parallel self._log = log if self.regressor is None: self.regressor = Regressor() p = self.parameters tp = self.trainingparameters = Parameters() tp.trainingimages = trainingimages tp.descriptor = descriptor if p.mode is None: p.mode = descriptor.parameters.mode else: assert p.mode == descriptor.parameters.mode log('Regression in %s mode.' % p.mode) if 'fprange' not in p or p.fprange is None: log('Calculating new fingerprint range; this range is part ' 'of the model.') p.fprange = calculate_fingerprints_range(descriptor, trainingimages) if p.mode == 'atom-centered': # If hiddenlayers is a tuple/list, convert to a dictionary. if not hasattr(p.hiddenlayers, 'keys'): p.hiddenlayers = {element: p.hiddenlayers for element in p.fprange.keys()} log('Hidden-layer structure:') if p.mode == 'image-centered': log(' %s' % str(p.hiddenlayers)) elif p.mode == 'atom-centered': for item in p.hiddenlayers.iteritems(): log(' %2s: %s' % item) if p.weights is None: log('Initializing with random weights.') if p.mode == 'image-centered': raise NotImplementedError('Needs to be coded.') elif p.mode == 'atom-centered': p.weights = get_random_weights(p.hiddenlayers, p.activation, None, p.fprange) else: log('Initial weights already present.') if p.scalings is None: log('Initializing with random scalings.') if p.mode == 'image-centered': raise NotImplementedError('Need to code.') elif p.mode == 'atom-centered': p.scalings = get_random_scalings(trainingimages, p.activation, p.fprange.keys()) else: log('Initial scalings already present.') if only_setup: return # Regress the model. self.step = 0 result = self.regressor.regress(model=self, log=log) return result # True / False
@property def forcetraining(self): """Returns true if forcetraining is turned on (as determined by examining the convergence criteria in the loss function), else returns False. """ if self.lossfunction.parameters['force_coefficient'] is None: forcetraining = False elif self.lossfunction.parameters['force_coefficient'] > 0.: forcetraining = True return forcetraining @property def vector(self): """Access to get or set the model parameters (weights, scaling for each network) as a single vector, useful in particular for regression. Parameters ---------- vector : list Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list. """ if self.parameters['weights'] is None: return None p = self.parameters if not hasattr(self, 'ravel'): self.ravel = Raveler(p.weights, p.scalings) return self.ravel.to_vector(weights=p.weights, scalings=p.scalings) @vector.setter def vector(self, vector): p = self.parameters if not hasattr(self, 'ravel'): self.ravel = Raveler(p.weights, p.scalings) weights, scalings = self.ravel.to_dicts(vector) p['weights'] = weights p['scalings'] = scalings
[docs] def get_loss(self, vector): """Method to be called by the regression master. Takes one and only one input, a vector of parameters. Returns one output, the value of the loss (cost) function. Parameters ---------- vector : list Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list. """ if self.step == 0: filename = make_filename(self.parent.label, '-initial-parameters.amp') filename =, overwrite=True) if self.checkpoints: if self.step % self.checkpoints == 0: path = os.path.join(self.parent.label + '-checkpoints/') if self.step == 0: if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) self._log('Saving checkpoint data.') filename = make_filename(path, 'parameters-checkpoint-%d.amp' % self.step) filename =, overwrite=True) loss = self.lossfunction.get_loss(vector, lossprime=False)['loss'] if hasattr(self, 'observer'):, vector, loss) self.step += 1 return loss
[docs] def get_lossprime(self, vector): """Method to be called by the regression master. Takes one and only one input, a vector of parameters. Returns one output, the value of the derivative of the loss function with respect to model parameters. Parameters ---------- vector : list Parameters of the regression model in the form of a list. """ return self.lossfunction.get_loss(vector, lossprime=True)['dloss_dparameters']
@property def lossfunction(self): """Allows the user to set a custom loss function. For example, >>> from amp.model import LossFunction >>> lossfxn = LossFunction(energy_tol=0.0001) >>> calc.model.lossfunction = lossfxn Parameters ---------- lossfunction : object Loss function object, if at all desired by the user. """ return self._lossfunction @lossfunction.setter def lossfunction(self, lossfunction): if hasattr(lossfunction, 'attach_model'): lossfunction.attach_model(self) # Allows access to methods. self._lossfunction = lossfunction
[docs] def calculate_atomic_energy(self, afp, index, symbol,): """ Given input to the neural network, output (which corresponds to energy) is calculated about the specified atom. The sum of these for all atoms is the total energy (in atom-centered mode). Parameters --------- afp : list Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. index: int Index of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in the atom-centered mode). symbol : str Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in the atom-centered mode). Returns ------- float Energy. """ if self.parameters.mode != 'atom-centered': raise AssertionError('calculate_atomic_energy should only be ' ' called in atom-centered mode.') scaling = self.parameters.scalings[symbol] outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, symbol,) atomic_amp_energy = scaling['slope'] * \ float(outputs[len(outputs) - 1]) + \ scaling['intercept'] return atomic_amp_energy
[docs] def calculate_force(self, afp, derafp, direction, nindex=None, nsymbol=None,): """Given derivative of input to the neural network, derivative of output (which corresponds to forces) is calculated. Parameters ---------- afp : list Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. derafp : list Derivatives of atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. direction : int Direction of force. nindex : int Index of the neighbor atom which force is acting at. (only used in the atom-centered mode) nsymbol : str Symbol of the neighbor atom which force is acting at. (only used in the atom-centered mode) Returns ------- float Force. """ scaling = self.parameters.scalings[nsymbol] outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, nsymbol,) dOutputs_dInputs = calculate_dOutputs_dInputs(self.parameters, derafp, outputs, nsymbol,) force = float((scaling['slope'] * dOutputs_dInputs[len(dOutputs_dInputs) - 1][0])) # force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx. force *= -1. return force
[docs] def calculate_dAtomicEnergy_dParameters(self, afp, index=None, symbol=None): """Returns the derivative of energy square error with respect to variables. Parameters ---------- afp : list Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. index : int Index of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in the atom-centered mode) symbol : str Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in the atom-centered mode) Returns ------- list of float The value of the derivative of energy square error with respect to variables. """ p = self.parameters scaling = p.scalings[symbol] # self.W dictionary initiated. self.W = {} for elm in p.weights.keys(): self.W[elm] = {} weight = p.weights[elm] for _ in xrange(len(weight)): self.W[elm][_ + 1] = np.delete(weight[_ + 1], -1, 0) W = self.W[symbol] dAtomicEnergy_dParameters = np.zeros(self.ravel.count) dAtomicEnergy_dWeights, dAtomicEnergy_dScalings = \ self.ravel.to_dicts(dAtomicEnergy_dParameters) outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, symbol,) ohat, D, delta = calculate_ohat_D_delta(self.parameters, outputs, W) dAtomicEnergy_dScalings[symbol]['intercept'] = 1. dAtomicEnergy_dScalings[symbol][ 'slope'] = float(outputs[len(outputs) - 1]) for k in xrange(1, len(outputs)): dAtomicEnergy_dWeights[symbol][k] = float(scaling['slope']) * \[k - 1]).T, np.matrix(delta[k]).T) dAtomicEnergy_dParameters = \ self.ravel.to_vector( dAtomicEnergy_dWeights, dAtomicEnergy_dScalings) return dAtomicEnergy_dParameters
[docs] def calculate_dForce_dParameters(self, afp, derafp, direction, nindex=None, nsymbol=None,): """Returns the derivative of force square error with respect to variables. Parameters ---------- afp : list Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. derafp : list Derivatives of atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. direction : int Direction of force. nindex : int Index of the neighbor atom which force is acting at. (only used in the atom-centered mode) nsymbol : str Symbol of the neighbor atom which force is acting at. (only used in the atom-centered mode) Returns ------- list of float The value of the derivative of force square error with respect to variables. """ p = self.parameters scaling = p.scalings[nsymbol] activation = p.activation # self.W dictionary initiated. self.W = {} for elm in p.weights.keys(): self.W[elm] = {} weight = p.weights[elm] for _ in xrange(len(weight)): self.W[elm][_ + 1] = np.delete(weight[_ + 1], -1, 0) W = self.W[nsymbol] dForce_dParameters = np.zeros(self.ravel.count) dForce_dWeights, dForce_dScalings = \ self.ravel.to_dicts(dForce_dParameters) outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(self.parameters, afp, nsymbol,) ohat, D, delta = calculate_ohat_D_delta(self.parameters, outputs, W) dOutputs_dInputs = calculate_dOutputs_dInputs(self.parameters, derafp, outputs, nsymbol,) N = len(outputs) - 2 dD_dInputs = {} for k in xrange(1, N + 2): # Calculating coordinate derivative of D matrix dD_dInputs[k] = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(outputs[k]), np.size(outputs[k]))) for j in xrange(np.size(outputs[k])): if activation == 'linear': # linear dD_dInputs[k][j, j] = 0. elif activation == 'tanh': # tanh dD_dInputs[k][j, j] = \ - 2. * outputs[k][0, j] * dOutputs_dInputs[k][j] elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid dD_dInputs[k][j, j] = dOutputs_dInputs[k][j] - \ 2. * outputs[k][0, j] * dOutputs_dInputs[k][j] # Calculating coordinate derivative of delta dDelta_dInputs = {} # output layer dDelta_dInputs[N + 1] = dD_dInputs[N + 1] # hidden layers temp1 = {} temp2 = {} for k in xrange(N, 0, -1): temp1[k] =[k + 1], delta[k + 1]) temp2[k] =[k + 1], dDelta_dInputs[k + 1]) dDelta_dInputs[k] = \[k], temp1[k]) +[k], temp2[k]) # Calculating coordinate derivative of ohat and # coordinates weights derivative of atomic_output dOhat_dInputs = {} dOutput_dInputsdWeights = {} for k in xrange(1, N + 2): dOhat_dInputs[k - 1] = [None] * (1 + len(dOutputs_dInputs[k - 1])) bound = len(dOutputs_dInputs[k - 1]) for count in xrange(bound): dOhat_dInputs[k - 1][count] = dOutputs_dInputs[k - 1][count] dOhat_dInputs[k - 1][count + 1] = 0. dOutput_dInputsdWeights[k] = \[k - 1]).T, np.matrix(delta[k]).T) + \[k - 1]).T, np.matrix(dDelta_dInputs[k]).T) for k in xrange(1, N + 2): dForce_dWeights[nsymbol][k] = float(scaling['slope']) * \ dOutput_dInputsdWeights[k] dForce_dScalings[nsymbol]['slope'] = dOutputs_dInputs[N + 1][0] dForce_dParameters = self.ravel.to_vector(dForce_dWeights, dForce_dScalings) # force is multiplied by -1, because it is -dE/dx and not dE/dx. dForce_dParameters *= -1. return dForce_dParameters
# Auxiliary functions #########################################################
[docs]def calculate_nodal_outputs(parameters, afp, symbol,): """ Given input to the neural network, output (which corresponds to energy) is calculated about the specified atom. The sum of these for all atoms is the total energy (in atom-centered mode). Parameters ---------- parameters : dict ASE dictionary object. afp : list Atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. symbol : str Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in the atom-centered mode) Returns ------- dict Outputs of neural network nodes """ _afp = np.array(afp).copy() hiddenlayers = parameters.hiddenlayers[symbol] weight = parameters.weights[symbol] activation = parameters.activation fprange = parameters.fprange[symbol] # Scale the fingerprints to be in [-1, 1] range. for _ in xrange(np.shape(_afp)[0]): if (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0]) > (10.**(-8.)): _afp[_] = -1.0 + 2.0 * ((_afp[_] - fprange[_][0]) / (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0])) # Calculate node values. o = {} # node values layer = 1 # input layer net = {} # excitation ohat = {} # ohat is the nodal output matrix o concatenated by 1 for biases len_of_afp = len(_afp) # a temp variable is defined to construct the output matix o temp = np.zeros((1, len_of_afp + 1)) for _ in xrange(len_of_afp): temp[0, _] = _afp[_] temp[0, len(_afp)] = 1.0 ohat[0] = temp net[1] =[0], weight[1]) if activation == 'linear': o[1] = net[1] # linear activation elif activation == 'tanh': o[1] = np.tanh(net[1]) # tanh activation elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid activation o[1] = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-net[1])) temp = np.zeros((1, np.shape(o[1])[1] + 1)) bound = np.shape(o[1])[1] for _ in xrange(bound): temp[0, _] = o[1][0, _] temp[0, np.shape(o[1])[1]] = 1.0 ohat[1] = temp for hiddenlayer in hiddenlayers[1:]: layer += 1 net[layer] =[layer - 1], weight[layer]) if activation == 'linear': o[layer] = net[layer] # linear activation elif activation == 'tanh': o[layer] = np.tanh(net[layer]) # tanh activation elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid activation o[layer] = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-net[layer])) temp = np.zeros((1, np.size(o[layer]) + 1)) bound = np.size(o[layer]) for _ in xrange(bound): temp[0, _] = o[layer][0, _] temp[0, np.size(o[layer])] = 1.0 ohat[layer] = temp layer += 1 # output layer net[layer] =[layer - 1], weight[layer]) if activation == 'linear': o[layer] = net[layer] # linear activation elif activation == 'tanh': o[layer] = np.tanh(net[layer]) # tanh activation elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid activation o[layer] = 1. / (1. + np.exp(-net[layer])) del hiddenlayers, weight, ohat, net len_of_afp = len(_afp) temp = np.zeros((1, len_of_afp)) for _ in xrange(len_of_afp): temp[0, _] = _afp[_] o[0] = temp return o
[docs]def calculate_dOutputs_dInputs(parameters, derafp, outputs, nsymbol,): """ Parameters ---------- parameters : dict ASE dictionary object. derafp : list Derivatives of atomic fingerprints in the form of a list to be used as input to the neural network. outputs : dict Outputs of neural network nodes. nsymbol : str Symbol of the atom for which atomic energy is calculated (only used in the atom-centered mode) Returns ------- dict Derivatives of outputs of neural network nodes w.r.t. inputs. """ _derafp = np.array(derafp).copy() hiddenlayers = parameters.hiddenlayers[nsymbol] weight = parameters.weights[nsymbol] activation = parameters.activation fprange = parameters.fprange[nsymbol] # Scaling derivative of fingerprints. for _ in xrange(len(_derafp)): if (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0]) > (10.**(-8.)): _derafp[_] = 2.0 * (_derafp[_] / (fprange[_][1] - fprange[_][0])) dOutputs_dInputs = {} # node values dOutputs_dInputs[0] = _derafp layer = 0 # input layer for hiddenlayer in hiddenlayers[0:]: layer += 1 temp =[layer - 1]), np.delete(weight[layer], -1, 0)) dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = [None] * np.size(outputs[layer]) bound = np.size(outputs[layer]) for j in xrange(bound): if activation == 'linear': # linear function dOutputs_dInputs[layer][j] = float(temp[0, j]) elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid function dOutputs_dInputs[layer][j] = float(temp[0, j]) * \ float(outputs[layer][0, j] * (1. - outputs[layer][0, j])) elif activation == 'tanh': # tanh function dOutputs_dInputs[layer][j] = float(temp[0, j]) * \ float(1. - outputs[layer][0, j] * outputs[layer][0, j]) layer += 1 # output layer temp =[layer - 1]), np.delete(weight[layer], -1, 0)) if activation == 'linear': # linear function dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = float(temp) elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid function dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = \ float(outputs[layer] * (1. - outputs[layer]) * temp) elif activation == 'tanh': # tanh function dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = \ float((1. - outputs[layer] * outputs[layer]) * temp) dOutputs_dInputs[layer] = [dOutputs_dInputs[layer]] return dOutputs_dInputs
[docs]def calculate_ohat_D_delta(parameters, outputs, W): """Calculates extra matrices ohat, D, delta needed in mathematical manipulations. Notations are consistent with those of 'Rojas, R. Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, first edition 1996' Parameters ---------- parameters : dict ASE dictionary object. outputs : dict Outputs of neural network nodes. W : dict The same as weight dictionary, but the last rows associated with biases are deleted in W. """ activation = parameters.activation N = len(outputs) - 2 # number of hiddenlayers D = {} for k in xrange(N + 2): D[k] = np.zeros(shape=(np.size(outputs[k]), np.size(outputs[k]))) for j in xrange(np.size(outputs[k])): if activation == 'linear': # linear D[k][j, j] = 1. elif activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid D[k][j, j] = float(outputs[k][0, j]) * \ float((1. - outputs[k][0, j])) elif activation == 'tanh': # tanh D[k][j, j] = float(1. - outputs[k][0, j] * outputs[k][0, j]) # Calculating delta delta = {} # output layer delta[N + 1] = D[N + 1] # hidden layers for k in xrange(N, 0, -1): # backpropagate starting from output layer delta[k] =[k],[k + 1], delta[k + 1])) # Calculating ohat ohat = {} for k in xrange(1, N + 2): bound = np.size(outputs[k - 1]) ohat[k - 1] = np.zeros(shape=(1, bound + 1)) for j in xrange(bound): ohat[k - 1][0, j] = outputs[k - 1][0, j] ohat[k - 1][0, bound] = 1.0 return ohat, D, delta
[docs]def get_random_weights(hiddenlayers, activation, no_of_atoms=None, fprange=None): """Generates random weight arrays from variables. hiddenlayers: dict Dictionary of chemical element symbols and architectures of their corresponding hidden layers of the conventional neural network. Number of nodes of last layer is always one corresponding to energy. However, number of nodes of first layer is equal to three times number of atoms in the system in the case of no descriptor, and is equal to length of symmetry functions in the atom-centered mode. Can be fed as: >>> hiddenlayers = (3, 2,) for example, in which a neural network with two hidden layers, the first one having three nodes and the second one having two nodes is assigned (to the whole atomic system in the case of no descriptor, and to each chemical element in the atom-centered mode). In the atom-centered mode, neural network for each species can be assigned seperately, as: >>> hiddenlayers = {"O":(3,5), "Au":(5,6)} for example. activation : str Assigns the type of activation funtion. "linear" refers to linear function, "tanh" refers to tanh function, and "sigmoid" refers to sigmoid function. no_of_atoms : int Number of atoms in atomic systems; used only in the case of no descriptor. fprange : dict Range of fingerprints of each chemical species. Should be fed as a dictionary of chemical species and a list of minimum and maximun, e.g: >>> fprange={"Pd": [0.31, 0.59], "O":[0.56, 0.72]} Returns ------- float weights """ if activation == 'linear': arg_range = 0.3 else: arg_range = 3. weight = {} nn_structure = {} if no_of_atoms is not None: # pure atomic-coordinates scheme if isinstance(hiddenlayers, int): nn_structure = ([3 * no_of_atoms] + [hiddenlayers] + [1]) else: nn_structure = ( [3 * no_of_atoms] + [layer for layer in hiddenlayers] + [1]) weight = {} normalized_arg_range = arg_range / (3 * no_of_atoms) weight[1] = np.random.random((3 * no_of_atoms + 1, nn_structure[1])) * \ normalized_arg_range - \ normalized_arg_range / 2. len_of_hiddenlayers = len(list(nn_structure)) - 3 for layer in xrange(len_of_hiddenlayers): normalized_arg_range = arg_range / \ nn_structure[layer + 1] weight[layer + 2] = np.random.random( (nn_structure[layer + 1] + 1, nn_structure[layer + 2])) * \ normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2. normalized_arg_range = arg_range / nn_structure[-2] weight[len(list(nn_structure)) - 1] = \ np.random.random((nn_structure[-2] + 1, 1)) \ * normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2. len_of_weight = len(weight) for _ in xrange(len_of_weight): # biases size = weight[_ + 1][-1].size for __ in xrange(size): weight[_ + 1][-1][__] = 0. else: elements = fprange.keys() for element in sorted(elements): len_of_fps = len(fprange[element]) if isinstance(hiddenlayers[element], int): nn_structure[element] = ([len_of_fps] + [hiddenlayers[element]] + [1]) else: nn_structure[element] = ( [len_of_fps] + [layer for layer in hiddenlayers[element]] + [1]) weight[element] = {} normalized_arg_range = arg_range / len(fprange[element]) weight[element][1] = np.random.random((len(fprange[element]) + 1, nn_structure[ element][1])) * \ normalized_arg_range - \ normalized_arg_range / 2. len_of_hiddenlayers = len(list(nn_structure[element])) - 3 for layer in xrange(len_of_hiddenlayers): normalized_arg_range = arg_range / \ nn_structure[element][layer + 1] weight[element][layer + 2] = np.random.random( (nn_structure[element][layer + 1] + 1, nn_structure[element][layer + 2])) * \ normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2. normalized_arg_range = arg_range / nn_structure[element][-2] weight[element][len(list(nn_structure[element])) - 1] = \ np.random.random((nn_structure[element][-2] + 1, 1)) \ * normalized_arg_range - normalized_arg_range / 2. len_of_weight = len(weight[element]) for _ in xrange(len_of_weight): # biases size = weight[element][_ + 1][-1].size for __ in xrange(size): weight[element][_ + 1][-1][__] = 0. return weight
[docs]def get_random_scalings(images, activation, elements=None): """Generates initial scaling matrices, such that the range of activation is scaled to the range of actual energies. images : dict ASE atoms objects (the training set). activation: str Assigns the type of activation funtion. "linear" refers to linear function, "tanh" refers to tanh function, and "sigmoid" refers to sigmoid function. elements: list of str List of atom symbols; used in the atom-centered mode only. Returns ------- float scalings """ hashs = images.keys() no_of_images = len(hashs) max_act_energy = max(image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) for hash, image in images.iteritems()) min_act_energy = min(image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) for hash, image in images.iteritems()) for count in xrange(no_of_images): hash = hashs[count] image = images[hash] no_of_atoms = len(image) if image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) == \ max_act_energy: no_atoms_of_max_act_energy = no_of_atoms if image.get_potential_energy(apply_constraint=False) == \ min_act_energy: no_atoms_of_min_act_energy = no_of_atoms max_act_energy_per_atom = max_act_energy / no_atoms_of_max_act_energy min_act_energy_per_atom = min_act_energy / no_atoms_of_min_act_energy scaling = {} if elements is None: # pure atomic-coordinates scheme scaling = {} if activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid activation function scaling['intercept'] = min_act_energy_per_atom scaling['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom - min_act_energy_per_atom) elif activation == 'tanh': # tanh activation function scaling['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom + min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. scaling['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom - min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. elif activation == 'linear': # linear activation function scaling['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom + min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. scaling['slope'] = (10. ** (-10.)) * \ (max_act_energy_per_atom - min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. else: # atom-centered mode for element in elements: scaling[element] = {} if activation == 'sigmoid': # sigmoid activation function scaling[element]['intercept'] = min_act_energy_per_atom scaling[element]['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom - min_act_energy_per_atom) elif activation == 'tanh': # tanh activation function scaling[element]['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom + min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. scaling[element]['slope'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom - min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. elif activation == 'linear': # linear activation function scaling[element]['intercept'] = (max_act_energy_per_atom + min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. scaling[element]['slope'] = (10. ** (-10.)) * \ (max_act_energy_per_atom - min_act_energy_per_atom) / 2. return scaling
[docs]class Raveler: """Class to ravel and unravel variable values into a single vector. This is used for feeding into the optimizer. Feed in a list of dictionaries to initialize the shape of the transformation. Note no data is saved in the class; each time it is used it is passed either the dictionaries or vector. The dictionaries for initialization should be two levels deep. weights, scalings are the variables to ravel and unravel """ def __init__(self, weights, scalings): self.count = 0 self.weightskeys = [] self.scalingskeys = [] for key1 in sorted(weights.keys()): # element for key2 in sorted(weights[key1].keys()): # layer value = weights[key1][key2] self.weightskeys.append({'key1': key1, 'key2': key2, 'shape': np.array(value).shape, 'size': np.array(value).size}) self.count += np.array(weights[key1][key2]).size for key1 in sorted(scalings.keys()): # element for key2 in sorted(scalings[key1].keys()): # slope / intercept self.scalingskeys.append({'key1': key1, 'key2': key2}) self.count += 1 self.vector = np.zeros(self.count)
[docs] def to_vector(self, weights, scalings): """Puts the weights and scalings embedded dictionaries into a single vector and returns it. The dictionaries need to have the identical structure to those it was initialized with.""" vector = np.zeros(self.count) count = 0 for k in sorted(self.weightskeys): lweights = np.array(weights[k['key1']][k['key2']]).ravel() vector[count:(count + lweights.size)] = lweights count += lweights.size for k in sorted(self.scalingskeys): vector[count] = scalings[k['key1']][k['key2']] count += 1 return vector
[docs] def to_dicts(self, vector): """Puts the vector back into weights and scalings dictionaries of the form initialized. vector must have same length as the output of unravel.""" assert len(vector) == self.count count = 0 weights = OrderedDict() scalings = OrderedDict() for k in sorted(self.weightskeys): if k['key1'] not in weights.keys(): weights[k['key1']] = OrderedDict() matrix = vector[count:count + k['size']] matrix = matrix.flatten() matrix = np.matrix(matrix.reshape(k['shape'])) weights[k['key1']][k['key2']] = matrix.tolist() count += k['size'] for k in sorted(self.scalingskeys): if k['key1'] not in scalings.keys(): scalings[k['key1']] = OrderedDict() scalings[k['key1']][k['key2']] = vector[count] count += 1 return weights, scalings
# Analysis tools ##############################################################
[docs]class NodePlot: """Creates plots to visualize the output of the nodes in the neural networks. initialize with a calculator that has parameters; e.g. a trained calculator or else one in which fit has been called with the setup_only flag turned on. Call with the 'plot' method, which takes as argment a list of images """ def __init__(self, calc): self.calc = calc = {} # For accumulating the data. # Local imports; these are not package-wide dependencies. from matplotlib import pyplot from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages self.pyplot = pyplot self.PdfPages = PdfPages
[docs] def plot(self, images, filename='nodeplot.pdf'): """ Creates a plot of the output of each node, as a violin plot. """ calc = self.calc data = {} log = Logger('develop.log') images = hash_images(images, log=log) calc.descriptor.calculate_fingerprints(images=images, parallel={'cores': 1}, log=log, calculate_derivatives=False) for hash, image in images.iteritems(): fingerprints = calc.descriptor.fingerprints[hash] for fp in fingerprints: outputs = calculate_nodal_outputs(calc.model.parameters, afp=fp[1], symbol=fp[0]) self._accumulate(symbol=fp[0], output=outputs) self._finalize_table() with self.PdfPages(filename) as pdf: for symbol, data in fig = self._makefig(symbol) pdf.savefig(fig) self.pyplot.close(fig)
def _makefig(self, symbol, save=False): """Makes a figure for one element.""" fig = self.pyplot.figure(figsize=(8.5, 11.0)) lm = 0.1 rm = 0.05 bm = 0.05 tm = 0.05 vg = 0.05 numplots = 1 +[symbol]['header'][-1][0] axwidth = 1. - lm - rm axheight = (1. - bm - tm - (numplots - 1) * vg) / numplots d =[symbol] for layer in range(1 + d['header'][-1][0]): ax = fig.add_axes((lm, 1. - tm - axheight - (axheight + vg) * layer, axwidth, axheight)) indices = [_ for _, label in enumerate(d['header']) if label[0] == layer] sub = d['table'][:, indices] ax.violinplot(dataset=sub, positions=range(len(indices))) ax.set_ylim(-1.2, 1.2) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, len(indices) - 0.5) ax.set_ylabel('Layer %i' % layer) ax.set_xlabel('node') fig.text(0.5, 1. - 0.5 * tm, 'Node outputs for %s' % symbol, ha='center', va='center') if save: fig.savefig(save) return fig def _accumulate(self, symbol, output): """Accumulates the data for the symbol.""" data = layerkeys = output.keys() # Correspond to layers. layerkeys.sort() if symbol not in data: # Create headers, structure. data[symbol] = {'header': [], 'table': []} for layerkey in layerkeys: v = output[layerkey] v = v.reshape(v.size).tolist() data[symbol]['header'].extend([(layerkey, _) for _ in range(len(v))]) # Add as a row to data table. row = [] for layerkey in layerkeys: v = output[layerkey] v = v.reshape(v.size).tolist() row.extend(v) data[symbol]['table'].append(row) def _finalize_table(self): """Converts the data table into a numpy array.""" for symbol in[symbol]['table'] = np.array([symbol]['table'])