.. _Analysis: ================================== Analysis ================================== ---------------------------------- Convergence plots ---------------------------------- You can use the tool called `amp-plotconvergence` to help you examine the output of an Amp log file. Run `amp-plotconvergence -h` for help at the command line. You can also access this tool as :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_convergence` from the :mod:`amp.analysis` module. .. image:: _static/convergence.svg :width: 600 px :align: center ---------------------------------- Other plots ---------------------------------- There are several other plotting tools within the :mod:`amp.analysis` module, including :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_parity` for making parity plots, :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_error` for making error plots, and :func:`~amp.analysis.plot_sensitivity` for examining the sensitivity of the model output to the model parameters. These modules should produce plots like below; in the order parity, error, and sensitivity from left to right. See the module autodocumentation for details. .. image:: _static/parity_error_sensitivity.svg :width: 1000 px :align: center